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1. Dialogue Between a Specific Religion and Science

Jewish scholars such as Norbert SamuelsonNorbert M. Samuelson, Judaism and the Doctrine of Creation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994). Note that Samuelson is exploring the formation of a center for Judaism and science at Arizona State...and Daniel MattDaniel C. Matt, God & The Big Bang: Discovering Harmony Between Science & Spirituality (Woodstock, Vermont: Jewish Lights Publishing, 1996).and scientists such as Joel Primack (cosmology)Joel R. Primack and Nancy Abrams, ""In a Beginning..": Quantum Cosmology and Kabbalah," Tikkun 10, pp. 66-73 (Jan-Feb) (1995); Joel R. Primack, "Cosmology and Culture," CTNS..., Carl Feit (biology) and Ken Kendler (genetics and psychiatry), have begun a serious exploration of Judaism, both in its philosophical and its mystical forms, in relation to contemporary cosmology, evolutionary biology, and psychology. Samuelson’s work brings together issues of cosmology and cosmogony (the structure and origins of the universe) from Hebrew scriptures, Greek philosophy, Jewish philosophy and contemporary physics, producing new insights on the relation between God and creation from a liberal Jewish perspective. Matt and Primack, for example, have developed a metaphorical connection between Andrej Linde’s quantum cosmology, with its finite domains in superspace, and the kabbalistic doctrine of tsimtsum. Here the infinite God withdraws in order to yield room for finite creation, as suggested by Linde’s views.Two Christian theologians who share Trinitarian and panentheistic commitments --- Jurgen Moltmann and Elizabeth Johnson --- have also found tsimtsum helpful in their accounts of creation, particularly...Muslin dialogue with science is developing through religious scholars such as S. H. NasrS. H. Nasr, Living Sufism (London: Unwin Paperbacks, 1980); Z. Sardar, Explorations in Islamic Science (London: Mansell, 1989). and scientists such as Muzzafar Iqbal (chemistry),Muzzafar Iqbal, "Five Eminent Early Muslim Scientists and Their Contributions to Islamic Scientific Thought," Islamic Thought and Scientific Creativity 3.3(September 1992).Mehdi Golshani (physics),Medhi Golshani, "How I Understand the Study of Science as a Muslim," CTNS Bulletin 17.4(Fall 1997); Mehdi Golshani, Editor, Can Science Dispense With Religion? (Tehran: Institute for Humanities...and Bruno Guiderdoni (astronomy).A particularly helpful analysis is in Christopher Southgate, Celia Deane-Drummond, et al., eds., God, Humanity and the Cosmos: A Textbook in Science and Religion (Harrisburg: Trinity Press International,...Buddhist dialogue with science now includes religious scholars such as Rusei Tanaka in Japan and Mark Unno and Jensine AndresenJensine Andresen, "Review Article: Science and Technology in Non-Western Cultures," Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 34.2(June 1999); Jensine Andresen, "Vajrayna Art and Iconography,"...in the US. A Special Issue of The Pacific World: Journal of The Institute of Buddhist Studies featured articles on Buddhism, medicine, science and technology.See Victor Mansfield, "Time in Madhyamika Buddhism and Modern Physics," The Pacific World: Journal of The Institute of Buddhist Studies 11 & 12 (1995); Shoyo Taniguchi, "Modern Science... Native American dialogue with science is being pursued by biologist Dawn Adams and colleagues at Tapestry, Texas and through the American Indian Science and Engineering Association.See also Gregory Cajete, Indigenous Science (Clear Light Publishers, 2000). and the online journal Winds of Change at www.aises.org for articles on native american spirituality and science.

Contributed by: Dr. Robert Russell

Theology and Science: Current Issues and Future Directions

Part I: Method in Theology and Science
    A. Typologies (‘Ways of Relating Science and Religion’)
    B. Critical Realism: The Original ‘Bridge’ Between Science and Religion.
    C. Further Developments in Methodology: Pannenberg, Murphy, Clayton
    D. Anti-Reductionism
       1. Three Types Of Reductionism
       2. A Non-Reducible Hierarchy of The Sciences
       3. Non-Foundational (Holist) Epistemology
    E. Ontological Implications
    F. Metaphysical System vs. Specific Philosophical Issues
    G. Summary of Critical Realism and Open Issues
  Part 2: Developments and Current Issues in Christian Theology and Natural Science
    A. God and Nature
       1. Time and Eternity
       2. Divine Action
          a) Agential Models of God’s Interaction With the World
          b) Agential Models of Embodiment and Non-Embodiment
          c) Metaphysical Systems and Divine Action
    B. Creation and Cosmology
       1. Big Bang Cosmology
          a) t=0
          b) The Anthropic Principle (AP)
       2. Inflationary Big Bang and Quantum Cosmologies
          a) t=0 revisited
          b) The Anthropic Principle Revisited
          c) Final Remark
    C. Creation and Evolution
       1. Two Philosophical Issues Raised By Evolution: Holism and Teleology
          a) Holist Versus Reductionist Accounts
          b) Teleology in Biology
       2. Evolution and Continuous Creation
    D. Theological Anthropology and Evolutionary Biology and The Cognitive Sciences
       1. Reformulation of ‘Body and Soul’
       2. The Person as a Psychosomatic Unity
       3. The Person in Process Thought
       4. The Person in Feminist Theology
       5. A Physicalist Approach to the Person
       6. The Person in Light of Human Genetics
       7. Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Theological Anthropology
    E: Redemption, Evolution and Cosmology
       1. Christology
          a) Christology and Quantum Complementarity
          b) Christology in an Evolutionary Perspective
          c) The Resurrection in Relation to Science
       2. Theodicy
       3. Eschatology
          a) Eschatology and the Earth
          b) Eschatology and ‘Philosophical Cosmology’
          c) Eschatology and Scientific Cosmology
  Part 3: Challenges and Future Directions
    A. Feminist Critiques of Science and Of Theology and Science
       1. Feminist Critiques of Science
       2. Feminist Critiques of ‘Science and Religion’
    B. Post-Modern Challenges to Science and to Theology and Science
    C. Inter-Religious Dialogue, World Spiritualities, and Science
       1. Dialogue Between a Specific Religion and Science
       2. Interreligious Dialogue with Science
    D. History of Science and Religion
       1. Exposing the ‘Conflict’ Myth
       2. The ‘Religious Origins’ Thesis
    E. Theological and Philosophical Implications for Science: An Interaction Model of Theology and Science
       1. From Physics to Theology
       2. From Theology to Physics
       3. Results
  Appendix: Teaching Resources and Programs in Science and Religion
    i ) Textbooks and Overview Articles
    ii) Teaching Resources
    iii) Programs
    iv) Journals
    v) Websites


Dr. Robert J. Russell

See also:

Physics and Cosmology
The Cognitive and Neurosciences
The Relation of Science & Religion
Purpose and Design
The Faith of Scientists
Literal and Symbolic Truths
What Science Can Learn From Religion
What Religion Can Learn From Science
Books on Science and Religion - General
Books on Physics and Theology
Books on Biology, Genetics and Theology
Books on Neuroscience and Theology
Books on Information Technology