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A New Window on Human Developmental Biology

The study of human developmental biology is particularly constrained by practical and ethical limitations. Human ES cells may allow scientists to investigate how early human cells become committed to the major lineages of the body; how these lineages lay down the rudiments of the body’s tissues and organs; and how cells within these rudiments differentiate to form the myriad functional cell types which underlie normal function in the adult. The knowledge gained will impact many fields. For example, cancer biology will reap an especially large reward because it is now understood that many cancers arise by perturbations of normal developmental processes. The availability of human ES cells will also greatly accelerate the understanding of the causes of birth defects and thus lead directly to their possible prevention.

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Go to Genetics Topic Index
Stem Cell Research and Applications: Monitoring the Frontiers of Biomedical Research
Findings and Recommendations
The Science of Stem Cell Research and Potential Therapies
     Current Status of Human Stem Cell Research
     Sources and Characteristics of Human Stem Cells
        Human Embryonic Stem Cells
        Human Embryonic Germ Cells.
        Human Adult Stem Cells
     The Clinical Potentials for Stem Cell Products
     Some Examples of Treatments for Major Diseases
        Type 1 Diabetes in Children
        Nervous System Diseases
        Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases
        Diseases of Bone and Cartilage
     Uses in Research
        A New Window on Human Developmental Biology
        Models of Human Disease that are Constrained by Current Animal and Cell Culture Models
        Gene Therapy
Spiritual and Religious Contexts
Ethical Concerns
     The Moral Status of Human Stem Cells
     Moral Issues Surrounding the Sources of Stem Cells
Sources of Stem Cells and Guidelines for Use
Justice Considerations
Oversight and Accountability
     Private Sector Oversight
     Intellectual Property Considerations
     Public Sector Oversight
Appendix I: Working Group Members
Appendix II: Staff
Appendix III: About AAAS and ICS


Audrey R. Chapman, Ph.D., Mark S. Frankel, Ph.D., and Michele S. Garfinkel, Ph.D. for the American Association for the Advancement of Science and The Institute for Civil Society

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