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Ethics, Values and Personhood (Seattle 2000)

January 2000, Seattle

Nancey Murphy - Getting Mind out of Meat
Nancey Murphy - My Neurons Made Me Do It (small)
Randy Maddox - Reclaiming the Body (small)
Stephen Pope - The Biological Roots of Morality (small)
Should Morality be Within the Purview of Patent Law?
The International Treatment of Biotechnological Intellectual Property (BIP)
Legal Issues Panel Discussion
Science, Politics and Ethics of Cloning and Genetic Engineering: Who will Decide the Future of Humankind?
Cloning and Beyond: Making Laws for Making Babies

Science, Values, and the Limits of Knowledge (SSQ Tokyo 2002)
Science and the Three Monotheisms in the 21st Century, A New Partnership? (SSQ Granada 2002)
Life on a Threatened Planet - Genetic Controversy and Environmental Ethics (Berkeley 2002)
Science, Technology and Values: Worldviews in Dialogue (India 2002)
African Culture, Modern Science, and Religious Thought (Nigeria 2001)
Biology, Religion and Origins (Vancouver BC 2001)
Interpreting Evolution: Scientific and Religious Perspectives (Haverford 2001)
Eschatology, Immortality, and the Future of the Cosmos (Berkeley 2001)
Neuroscience, Religious Experience and the Self (Montreal 2001)
Genomics, Nanotechnology and Robotics (San Francisco 2001)
Dreams and Dreaming, Neuroscientific and Religious Visions (Los Angeles 2001)
Genetic Engineering and Food for the World (New York 2001)
Biological and Cosmological Evolution (Adelaide 2001)
Genes and Justice (Berkeley 2001)
Creativity, Spirituality, and Computing Technologies (SSQ San Jose 2000)
Evolution and Providence (Berkeley 2000)
Ethics, Values and Personhood (Seattle 2000)
Science and Suffering (Seattle 1998)
Events Index