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The Two books

Today’s theologians should seek a coherent way to integrate what we are learning about the natural world through the best science with what the Holy Scriptures tell us about the God of creation and redemption. Perhaps we could revive the Renaissance concept of the Two Books. According to the concept of the Two Books, nature is a book of revelation. Nature reveals to us something about the mind of God the creator. St. Paul alludes to the book of nature. NRS Romans 1:20 “Ever since the creation of the world his eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made.” The second book, of course, is the Bible. In this book we learn of God the redeemer. Nature gives us general revelation, whereas the Bible gives us special revelation. The two books together provide the resources for understanding reality in relationship to God, the creator and redeemer.

We, Ted and Marty, co-authored a book, Evolution from Creation to New Creation (Abingdon 2003) in which we presented the ingredients for a tasty meal of Theistic Evolution. We’ll share our not very secret recipe here.

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The Two books

Theistic Evolution: A Christian Alternative to Atheism, Creationism, and Intelligent Design
What is the problem with Atheism?
What is the problem with Creationism?
What is the problem with Intelligent Design?
Theistic Evolution: The Ignored Alternative
Ted and Marty’s Recipe for Theistic Evolution
Step 1: Trim away the idea of purpose within nature. Add in the idea of purpose for nature.
Step 2: Stir and bake until the world comes to its end
Step 3: What emerges well done is the new creation
Shall we eat desert first? Revelation before Genesis?
Can we serve Theistic Evolution in court?


Martinez Hewlett and Ted Peters

See also:
Pain and Suffering
Books on Biology, Genetics and Theology
DNA Double-Helix