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1. Reformulation of ‘Body and Soul’

One approach is to preserve the terminology, but reformulate the meaning, of body and soul in light of evolution. In his 1950 encyclical, Humani generis, Pope Pius XII combined the evolution of the physical body, as discovered by science, with the special creation of the soul, as revealed by Scripture. In 1996, Pope John Paul II affirmed the theory of evolution as “no longer a mere hypothesis.” Unlike Pius XII, though, he precinded from the earlier body/soul dualism, referring instead to the “spiritual” in humanity, including self-awareness, moral conscience and freedom. Moreover, the transition in humanity to the spiritual does not conflict with evolutionary science since the spiritual is not observable using scientific methods. It is thus the role of philosophy and theology to discover humanity’s ultimate meaning.John Paul II, "Message to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences," in Evolutionary and Molecular Biology: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action, ed. Robert John Russell, William R. Stoeger and... George Coyne views the Pope’s argument as an important shift from the ontological dualism assumed by Pius XII. Coyne in turn proposes we think in terms of God’s continuous creation through the process of evolution. Rather than intervening, God gives the world freedom to evolve and participates in the process through love. Perhaps this approach can preserve what is special about the emergence of spirit without resort to interventionism.George Coyne, "Evolution and the Human Person: The Pope in Dialogue," in Evolutionary and Molecular Biology: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action, ed. Robert John Russell, William R. Stoeger...

Karl Rahner systematically developed the concept of spirit in light of evolution in a similar way. Evolution is a development of matter towards spirit through God’s continuous, immanent and creative impulse until, in humanity, nature becomes conscious of itself . Here spirit, the distinctively human feature, is both self-consciousness and consciousness of God as the absolute mystery of being. Rahner sets this idea a theological context reminiscent of Teilhard de Chardin’s writings, and draws from it crucial eschatological implications (see Part 2, E, 3, c below).Karl Rahner, Foundations of Christian Faith, trans. William V. Dych (New York: Crossroad, 1978), 181-83, 188; Karl Rahner, "Christology Within an Evolutionary View of the World," trans. Karl-H....Reflecting on Rahner’s work, Denis EdwardsDenis Edwards, Jesus and the Cosmos (New York: Paulist Press, 1991), 27-31.points out that a number of scientists have also suggested that ‘evolution is the universe’s way of becoming conscious of itself’, including Teilhard de Chardin, Carl Sagan, Arthur Peacocke, Paul Davies, and Thomas Berry.

Contributed by: Dr. Robert Russell

Theology and Science: Current Issues and Future Directions

Part I: Method in Theology and Science
    A. Typologies (‘Ways of Relating Science and Religion’)
    B. Critical Realism: The Original ‘Bridge’ Between Science and Religion.
    C. Further Developments in Methodology: Pannenberg, Murphy, Clayton
    D. Anti-Reductionism
       1. Three Types Of Reductionism
       2. A Non-Reducible Hierarchy of The Sciences
       3. Non-Foundational (Holist) Epistemology
    E. Ontological Implications
    F. Metaphysical System vs. Specific Philosophical Issues
    G. Summary of Critical Realism and Open Issues
  Part 2: Developments and Current Issues in Christian Theology and Natural Science
    A. God and Nature
       1. Time and Eternity
       2. Divine Action
          a) Agential Models of God’s Interaction With the World
          b) Agential Models of Embodiment and Non-Embodiment
          c) Metaphysical Systems and Divine Action
    B. Creation and Cosmology
       1. Big Bang Cosmology
          a) t=0
          b) The Anthropic Principle (AP)
       2. Inflationary Big Bang and Quantum Cosmologies
          a) t=0 revisited
          b) The Anthropic Principle Revisited
          c) Final Remark
    C. Creation and Evolution
       1. Two Philosophical Issues Raised By Evolution: Holism and Teleology
          a) Holist Versus Reductionist Accounts
          b) Teleology in Biology
       2. Evolution and Continuous Creation
    D. Theological Anthropology and Evolutionary Biology and The Cognitive Sciences
       1. Reformulation of ‘Body and Soul’
       2. The Person as a Psychosomatic Unity
       3. The Person in Process Thought
       4. The Person in Feminist Theology
       5. A Physicalist Approach to the Person
       6. The Person in Light of Human Genetics
       7. Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Theological Anthropology
    E: Redemption, Evolution and Cosmology
       1. Christology
          a) Christology and Quantum Complementarity
          b) Christology in an Evolutionary Perspective
          c) The Resurrection in Relation to Science
       2. Theodicy
       3. Eschatology
          a) Eschatology and the Earth
          b) Eschatology and ‘Philosophical Cosmology’
          c) Eschatology and Scientific Cosmology
  Part 3: Challenges and Future Directions
    A. Feminist Critiques of Science and Of Theology and Science
       1. Feminist Critiques of Science
       2. Feminist Critiques of ‘Science and Religion’
    B. Post-Modern Challenges to Science and to Theology and Science
    C. Inter-Religious Dialogue, World Spiritualities, and Science
       1. Dialogue Between a Specific Religion and Science
       2. Interreligious Dialogue with Science
    D. History of Science and Religion
       1. Exposing the ‘Conflict’ Myth
       2. The ‘Religious Origins’ Thesis
    E. Theological and Philosophical Implications for Science: An Interaction Model of Theology and Science
       1. From Physics to Theology
       2. From Theology to Physics
       3. Results
  Appendix: Teaching Resources and Programs in Science and Religion
    i ) Textbooks and Overview Articles
    ii) Teaching Resources
    iii) Programs
    iv) Journals
    v) Websites


Dr. Robert J. Russell

See also:

Physics and Cosmology
The Cognitive and Neurosciences
The Relation of Science & Religion
Purpose and Design
The Faith of Scientists
Literal and Symbolic Truths
What Science Can Learn From Religion
What Religion Can Learn From Science
Books on Science and Religion - General
Books on Physics and Theology
Books on Biology, Genetics and Theology
Books on Neuroscience and Theology
Books on Information Technology